E250: How Barefoot Shoes Can Transform Your Body Mechanics with Delaney Smith Lifestyle Strategies, Movement, Overall health, Product ReviewsTheartoflivingwell PodcastDecember 18, 2024GAIT, barefoot shoes, minnimals shoes, posture, improve mobility, foot health, traditional shoes, body mechanics, foot mechanics
E247: The truth about cooking oils and smart swaps for healthier cooking with Marnie and Stephanie Movement, Overall health, Lifestyle StrategiesTheartoflivingwell PodcastNovember 27, 2024garyward, what the foot, foot health, painfreeliving, bunions, nomorechronicpain, gait
E246: The Secret to Pain-Free Living: How Feet and Gait Affect Chronic Pain with Gary Ward Movement, Overall health, Lifestyle StrategiesTheartoflivingwell PodcastNovember 20, 2024garyward, what the foot, foot health, painfreeliving, bunions, nomorechronicpain, gait